People love to take selfies with their pets. Their cute poses make those pictures more adorable. But as we all know, it is very difficult to even make these playful dudes stay still to capture a perfect picture. However, a dog named Preguntale from Argentina is taking his own selfies, just like a new-age travel influencer. Preguntale’s adorable selfies have become so popular among dog lovers because of their overloaded cuteness.

Preguntale’s owner is Diego Cuadro. Apart from the story of “Preguntale is taking his own selfies”, there’s one more wonderful story called “How Preguntale met Diego”. On a beautiful day in 2016, Caudro was riding his horse. He saw a batch of little puppies beside the road. He didn’t care about them much because he often saw dogs around his work field, El Triunfo. Suddenly, he was surprised to see a little puppy, who was about 30 to 40 days old, following him. When this puppy started to cry, it melted Cuadro’s heart. He decided to bring this cute puppy home despite not having any plans to adopt a dog.

Story Behind The “Preguntale”…

The story behind Preguntale’s name is also special. The word “Preguntale” is a Spanish word that means “ask him”. It is uncommon to put such a name on a pet. According to Cuadro, he didn’t use that name intentionally. One day, one of his friends came and asked Cuadro’s new pet’s name. Then Cuadro had said, “No lo se, preguntale” which means, “I don’t know; ask him”. Then onwards, this newcomer’s name became “Preguntale”.

With time, Preguntale became an integral part of Cuadro’s life. Cuadro brought Preguntale to his work field and spent time together. Lately, he discovered that his pet dog can stay still when asked. This characteristic is quite impressive because, normally, dogs make a big fuss when moving around. This special quality helps him to pose properly when taking his own selfies. These adorable pictures capture his adventures and travel experiences of exploring beautiful Argentina. The fashionable outfits he is wearing in those pictures are things that entertain viewers a lot.

Apart from taking his own selfies, Preguntale can drive tractors and ride horses and bikes as well. Today, Preguntale is a famous travel influencer. This little prince, who came into Cuadro’s life a long time ago, has now become his everything.

More Infor & Photo Courtesy: Instagram

#1 Images Of The Dog Taking His Own Selfies

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Image Credit: preguntale2017


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Image Credit: preguntale2017

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