Have you ever seen jewelry made of honey before? Stephanie (Charming Little Fox), an artist, produces honey-like jewelry at her studio in Colorado. This type of jewelry looks like honey, but it is actually made from syrup like material, a hard resin imported from Japan. Stephanie heats the resin and then pours that golden resin on to the top of honeycomb shape metal components that have variety of settings. They look like hives, made into a variety of products, necklaces, earrings, pendants and other wearable items. Her products seem to be real and heavy with dipped honey, but they are not. They are easy to wear, comfortable and light weighted. Her earrings are also available with clip-on back so there is no need to pierce the ears. In some pieces of her products, even feature of tiny golden bees can be seen.
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She has a great love for bees and seriously considered becoming a beekeeper once because of this. Stephanie donates 10% of her sales of honey inspired jewelries to the Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association in her area. No matter how popular her bee-related products are, the demand is so high that her husband and her sister are also involved in the production to keep up with the demand.












